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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saturday Mountain Ride - SRSP 2

It seems that we just cannot get enough of that park on the river. This morning Gary and I headed out there to explore more of the single track trails. I have been riding a full suspension Cannondale Scalpel this season (which my friend and adventure race team-mate Kris has been letting me demo) I fell in love with this bike the first time I hopped on and it seems to fit me well. This is the first bike I have ridden that has tubeless tires. My buddy Kris has never had a flat on this fine, two wheeled machine. It should also be noted that maintaining proper tire pressure on this bike is VERY important. Why do I bring up these mundane details? Well...............the front tire on the bike was too low. As I rounded a corner, I hit a slight incline and caught a tiny bit of air...........as the front tire made c0ntact with the earth again, it rolled sideways.........and off the rim. A quick rush and release of air was the last thing I heard as I augured into the ground. My ride was over, unceremonious and fast. Without a tube (which is the quick way to fix a tubeless tire flat) you're pretty much in for a walk. Gary did get a slight kick out of my less than graceful dismount.........after he realized I wasn't injured, of course. The ride was short and we got to walk with our bikes for a mile or so. Still not a bad way to start the day in my book. I will also mention that taking the photo of multiple riders is way more difficult while riding single track trails. "Thrive Outside"

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